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A Unique Herbal Pain Relief Patch de FGXpress

One of the initial effects you'll probably notice with the application of Power Strips™ is the reduction and relief of minor aches and pains. These powerful patches are truly unique and innovative.  They were developed utilizing a new and interesting technology that consists of a patented fusion of ancient herbs and modern energy. 

When worn daily, FGXpress Power Strips™ bring energy to parts of your body that need it. By increasing energy, one of the first benefits you'll notice is relief of discomfort. 
Featuring a fusion of modern technology and ancient energies, PowerStrips provide effective pain-relieving results to areas of the body that are in need of a little extra love.

 are a patented fusion of modern energy and ancient herbs. They help provide you with the "power to move!"

The outer layer contains elemental germanium, and the inner layer consists of a proprietary blend of fermented Korean red ginseng, Alpha3 CMP™ marine phytoplankton, and a petroleum-free, water-soluble adhesive for safe, continuous daily use.

Ingredients in PowerStrips

PowerStrips™ contain germanium -- an element with optical properties that conducts heat, much the same as a glass prism conducts white light.  Germanium bends heat from the body and the environment back toward the area where the PowerStrip is applied.

Germanium also breaks the heat into component parts, just as a prism separates which light into the colors of the spectrum.  It's the "long wave" component of heat that's most beneficial for pain relief.  As long wave heat penetrates affected parts of the body (up to 10 centimeters as demonstrated by infrared photography), it causes blood vessels in the area to dilate, increasing blood flow and natural warmth.  This dilation works in combination with other complementary biochemical and neurological processes that contribute to pain relief while the PowerStrip is in place.

PowerStrips™  also utilize a water soluble adhesive making daily use easy and comfortable because it is gentle to the skin.

All Natural Pain Management

Natural elements such as germanium, marine phytoplankton and red ginseng go into the making of PowerStrips to help provide optimum temporary relief of your common ailments. These help to redirect the body’s natural heat and energy onto the areas of the body to which PowerStrips are applied. An all-natural adhesive layer also makes PowerStrips safe for daily use.












Athlètes Attention!

Good News!  We already know that PowerStrips are listed as a Class One Medical Device AND now Athletes can safely use PowerStrips because they have now been listed BSCG Certified Drug Free.  ( Check with your coach first!) Watch for the official logo to show up on packaging soon.


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Share PowerStrips with the people of the world.  Sharing is Easy, Simple, Seamless and Global!


FGXpress PowerStrips™ are available in almost every country of the world. They are helping relieve pain and discomfort for thousands of people just like you and me.

FGXpress, a ForeverGreen Company, is designed to bless millions of people with residual incomes!  FGXpress wants to share the pain relief benefits of PowerStrips™ with the world at a record pace.  Join us now.  

Being and feeling financially secure is a major component of our health and well being. Learn more about the FGXpress income opportunity.

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Francis Berthelot - Independent Member

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