It's perfectly normal to get to a point where you feel stuck and you feel the need to regroup. You have to get to that period of life when you evaluate the choices you have made ​​/ are making, lifestyle you live and the company you keep to a certain point. If humanity had not, at the time asked "how can we do better?" You would not be reading this post.


We are all our own worst critics, especially when it comes to judging how we measure against what we first decided to do. We do not keep in mind that success is not the final goal, but a Travel to something bigger than yourself. Even if you have not done a thing on your bucket list this year, you do better than you think you are.

Do not strike you right away. Here is a checklist to measure how you are, really, even when you can not see.


1.You are more confident that you use to be

Confidence  is defined as "feeling or belief that one can have faith or rely on someone or something." Trust is no walk tall and bold head in a room or bring more to the table. It is an unshakeable faith and confidence in its ability to overcome challenges when experiencing uncertainty.


When you choose to get out of your comfort zone and take calculated risk, hoping that you can and you go the kind of confidence that can only be gained by learning from experience.


2. You do not fall under # Hype (#FOMO)

The #HYPE is that "#Il" thing or last thing everyone does, just because everyone does. Some people do not even bother to ask, "Why do I want / like that" They just know that at that time, they  should  be in it.


When you have matured, you know more and you are able to discern what is not talking about you. Then you can spend your whole attention, concentration and commitment to controlling and strengthening the best version yourself.


Being in a place or do something that you were not called to automatically make compromises yourself and act in this way means that you will always be lower than someone who is in their natural habitat.


3.You've overcome your approval addiction

The approval addiction is the need to have other people you select.


Determine your life status based on the number of people like you can take on Instagram and do things to please people you would not want otherwise are examples of dependency approval.


We all, at some point, did things just to please and get validation from others. But you are now at a stage where the only people you want to please are those with (ie you and your relatives).


4. You are more reactive than reactive

You've stopped having seizures, tantrums, panic and dramatizing everything that happens to you. Reactive Being is a trait that means throwing in the towel, throw a pity party, you victimize, and give up when Things have not worked.


People who are responsive let things for them.


Sensitive people ask questions like: Why How? So what?


Through being sensitive, you allow yourself to feel the pain, but also understand the need for analysis. You are less likely to be influenced by the actions and opinions of others; you do not hold things people have done against them but you know keep your distance security measures.


5. You have stopped waiting on people

You just go ahead and do it your damn self.


6. You have a handful of friends that can describe you in three words on the overhead

These are people you depend on, they are a good support structure and they see you through most situations. This is not to the family, the family is by default.


We are talking about friends that you have chosen, you have made a pretty good impression on them, and you've been so helpful in their lives they decided (without any obligation or responsibility inherent to you), you are investing their time their hearts and time into a relationship with you.


7. You know the difference between savings, retirement and investment

You are not a financial expert, but you received the basics of life and work and money down, just so you know what is absolutely necessary for your future.


8. You are so much proving them wrong

You know, proving your evil enemies, revenge on the people who have hurt you, wanting to show it can be done sayers ... What drainage unnecessary exercise and cons-productive.


This attitude is changing from bad energy and may affect your judgment for fear they might be right. Now, you do things because:


a) you really want and what you really like




b), its the most rewarding and fulfilling thing for you and it is all you want to do.


If they said you should not write because writers do not have money, so every day is determined to prove them wrong, how creative sources that? Maybe a manuscript or two featuring vilest soapie characters and drama, but other than that? Hatred and resentment.


If you, however, write because you were called to do and you learn from this gift that nobody can take from you, you will go much further and live a very productive way.


9. You are so much more being late, being disorganized and unprepared

You understand the principle and the importance of punctuality. So you do not waste your time and you do not waste the time of others. Planning in advance for all your meetings and you plan accordingly. This True "adulting" and you know it is a mastering value of habit.


10. You can organize a report in Word, Excel and graphics using this PowerPoint

This is because you have actually been involved in projects that need these skills and you have once in your life have to present your findings on the research you have done, either for investors in your new start or an employment report or thesis.


11. You are learning a new language

It's a good thing. You are open-minded and you want to expand your horizons. You know the advantages of being bilingual and you have an interest in other cultures.


12. You can say good things about your least favorite person behind their back

Ah, the true test of character. This is most important because it says more about you than it does about the other person.


When you have dignity you have nothing to tear others down or giving a bad report on someone who is not there to defend themselves. You respect people with self-respect and self-respect does not include drag the reputation of others in mud.


13. You have good trends

The overall feel about you is that you are reliable, kind, harmless, fun, love and people get with you. It does not mean you're going out of your way to please people, but you are aware of the impression that you give and you try to be accommodating enough to make you meet nice and interesting.


14. You are so much more grateful

You do not make comparisons as much, so you are not as jealous and resentful. You realize how blessed you are and when you miss you are grateful, while working towards the things you want, without never neglect what you have been blessed with. You know there are people who do not have what you have and you do not take your health for granted.


15. You are the right person

The right person for the job, the right person for the life partner, no right to make friends, the right person for that dream home, the right person to achieve these objectives, the right person to be so .


In time you just realized that you are not crazy for these objectives, because you need not what you thought you needed: a million dollar idea, more money, more education, more experience.


You just need to develop and grow what has been planted inside you to go ahead and create the life you've always dreamed of living.



Francis Berthelot


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